Sunday, February 12, 2012

Never Trust a Groundhog

When it comes to predicting the start of spring weather, I like to take a more democratic approach. Here in my coastal Southern California backyard, hummingbirds are staking out their favorite perches in the treetops, toads are singing in the drainage culverts and roly poly bugs are starting to sink to a watery grave in my swimming pool once again. The verdict? Summer can't be far off.

My edible landscaping is making an early comeback as well. "Wonderful" and "Eversweet" pomegranates are leafing out, surrounded by new stalks of Rainbow Swiss Chard, making a repeat performance from last year.

It's still too early for our avocado tree to start blooming, but I'm seeing nice fat deep green fruit from last year's bloom, ripening high up in the branches. If I can just get to them before the raccoons do, we'll have guacamole burgers soon!

My new container project is a Strawberry Lemonade planter. I've got a tall strawberry pot picked out and hope to plant it with an Improved Meyer Lemon, underplanted with Fraise du Bois, wild strawberries. Yum!

By June I plan to be lazing in the backyard sipping strawberry lemonade...
...while fishing roly poly bugs out of the pool.